Thursday, June 17, 2010

Crystal Nail File

Hello lovelies!

I'm sure you've noticed that I've been going through a nail care phase, and you can't have pretty nails without filing them right? Say bye bye to cheap sandpaper and emory board files and say hello to crystal nail files!

I don't know about you but whenever I used to file my nails with those emory board things or sandpaper like nail files my nails would fray and not come out smooth. Also they were rough and kinda hurt. I bought a crystal nail file from Head2ToeBeauty and fell in love! They are pretty looking and are pretty inexpensive, ranging from around $3-$6 you can get them from Ulta or Amazon as well! Unlike normal files, crystal nail files leave your nails smooth and strong and don't fray your nails!

I'm trying to grow my nails long as well as strengthen them so filing my nails is very important to prevent breakage! If you like to take good care of your nails, then go get yourself a crystal nail file!


  1. do you have any advice on how to get rid of acne scarring or redness?

  2. Yes I do, I just made a full post about it! Check it out and let me know if that helps!
