Thursday, June 17, 2010

Question: Acne Scarring and Redness

I just got a question about how to get rid of acne scarring and redness.

There are tons of home remedies for this such as:

  1.   Blend plain yogurt and fresh apples into a paste, and applying it onto your face like a mask and leaving it on til dry or about 20 minutes, rinsing your face, and letting the nutrients soak into your skin. I suggest doing this at night before you sleep.
  2. Use plain yogurt and apply it to your face like a mask just like the above remedy.
These are both good for scarring and redness and are easy, accessible, and virtually free!

Non- home made remedies for acne scars are

Mario Badescu Whitening Mask-- I have been using this for about 1 month now and I love it so far, I haven't seen too much of a difference in my acne scarring but after another month or so I'll post before and after pictures and do a full review on this product. It's $25 and leaves my skin glowing however I think using it atleast 3 times a week and leaving it on for more than 20 minutes is the best way to use this mask.

Bio Oil- Although it is an oil using it on your face in places with scarring greatly lightens acne scars in a span of a few months. I personally haven't gotten used to putting oil on my face because my skin is naturally oily but your skin absorbs this oil unlike cocoa oil or baby oil. However be careful if you have sensitive skin. I also use this on my stretch marks and will post before and after pictures in a few months as well.

I'd use the whitening mask along with bio oil or the natural yogurt masks along with bio oil for maximum results for acne scarring.

In terms of redness I have found that the yogurt methods as well as the whitening mask have improved the redness I get from acne. There is another natural method you can try for redness and puffiness

Green Tea Ice Cubes-
You'll need:
1 plain green tea with antioxidants packet
1 ice tray
1 measuring cup
2-3 vitamin E gel capsules
toothpicks for every ice cube slot

  1. Warm up water as if you were making tea
  2. Place the tea bag and water in a measuring cup
  3. Allow the water to absorb the tea for 5-7 minutes
  4. Break open your vitamin e capsules and mix it into the tea
  5. Allow the tea to cool
  6. Pour into the ice tray
  7. Freeze for about 6 hours(until the ice is partially solid)
  8.  Place tooth picks in every green tea ice cube
  9. Allow to freeze completely
How to use:
  • Take 1 ice cube out w/ toothpick
  • Gently massage ice cube all over your clean face
  • Allow the nutrients to soak in
  • Then go on with your normal morning routine
This method is good for puffiness and redness and the vitamin e soothes and moisturizes. This should be used in the morning.

I hope this helps Anonymous! Stay tuned for a full review on Bio Oil and Mario Badescu Whitening Mask!

Crystal Nail File

Hello lovelies!

I'm sure you've noticed that I've been going through a nail care phase, and you can't have pretty nails without filing them right? Say bye bye to cheap sandpaper and emory board files and say hello to crystal nail files!

I don't know about you but whenever I used to file my nails with those emory board things or sandpaper like nail files my nails would fray and not come out smooth. Also they were rough and kinda hurt. I bought a crystal nail file from Head2ToeBeauty and fell in love! They are pretty looking and are pretty inexpensive, ranging from around $3-$6 you can get them from Ulta or Amazon as well! Unlike normal files, crystal nail files leave your nails smooth and strong and don't fray your nails!

I'm trying to grow my nails long as well as strengthen them so filing my nails is very important to prevent breakage! If you like to take good care of your nails, then go get yourself a crystal nail file!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Video Troubles

So I filmed my first tutorial, but it ended up being a total failure. The actual tutorial was fine, but because I was filming with my laptop I guess it sped up the video and tuned out my voice, no matter what I did to it even uploaded it on youtube and it did the same thing, it wouldn't even let me trim it etc. So from now on I'm gonna have to figure out how to make my 2 inch tripod + camera work. Oh well ya live and ya learn.. Sorry guys! I'll try again on Wednesday! Thanks for hangin in there with me :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nail Craze!

I'm going through a nail polish phase after quitting my job as a Model at Abercrombie & Fitch where I was strictly allowed to only paint my toe nails red, pink, french manicure, or plain and finger nails had to be clear. When O-P-I first came out with it's line for Sephora I bought quite a few nail polishes, I liked them but they were kinda all the same color range.. and I don't like to be really crazy with my nail color, but I do like variation.

I bought China Glaze's Recycle and fell in love! This is a matte grey color which seems to be pretty rare because I couldn't find a matte grey in any other brand. I keep getting compliments on my nails because it's so unique!

Even on my tan skin this color stands out and makes my hands look fresh. I needed about 2 coats to get to this intensity and topped it off with Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat for a near perfect finish! I always like to make sure my nail color is somewhat neutral in the sense that it matches what I wear and the rest of my makeup, grey is such a unique neutral tone that matches everything!

This is my favorite nail color yet, and I already ordered a backup from Head2ToeBeauty(scroll down and you'll see it!) because I know I'll be grabbing this every time I want to do my nails! Again I like to purchase my nail polishes especially China Glaze from Head2ToeBeauty because it's cheaper. At $2.99 a bottle you can't beat it!

If you're a nail nut like me check this color out!

Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat Review

I don't know about you.. but I hate waiting for my nails to dry after I do them, and nothing ever seems to make them dry quicker. I always get impatient and end up going to sleep and waking up with my sheet marks in my nails, or I try to do stuff around the house and I get dents in my nails. I even tried dipping my hands in to a bowl of ice and water to "freeze" the polish but that didn't work either although many people suggested that method to me.. So I tried Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat

This stuff is AMAZING! Not only does it dry your nails literally in 15 minutes tops, but it gives your nails a nice shiny finish which I love especially with matte nail colors. It smells kinda strong compared to other nail polishes/top coats but it works. Just make sure you apply it about a minute after applying your last layer of color and be sure to clean up your cuticles as well so that you don't have a difficult clean up later!

For all of you girls out there that are impatient like me and are constantly on the go this is a must have!

I buy most of my nail polishes at Head2ToeBeauty(type "seche vite" into the search bar, click the first link, and scroll down!) because it's significantly cheaper here and they arrive within 2-3 days of your purchase. A CVS or drug store sell this for about  $9.99  while Head2ToeBeauty sells this at about $4.35 which is a total steal! Head2ToeBeauty has just about everything you could imagine for nail care as well as hair and skin care!

 Enjoy :)