Monday, December 6, 2010

Olive Oil!!!

You're probably wondering why I'm talking about olive oil on a beauty blog. Olive Oil has been used for centuries as a vital skin care product. It can be used for almost anything, recently I've put it to use.

My hair is super fine and thin, I've been losing so much hair lately and I have no idea what to do, since hair vitamins are doing next to nothing for me and neither did Almond Oil so my mom suggested I start using Olive Oil. Olive oil is great for dry, split, damaged ends too!

Now, Almond Oil was super heavy in my hair, and insanely hard to wash out. Olive oil washes right out with Herbal Essence's "Drama Clean" shampoo. No problems!

You can get olive oil almost anywhere, I'm using target's brand, and I like to use Extra Virgin because it's the purest form.

Olive Oil helps speed up the hair growth process, restores shine, strength, and softness. Yes it smells funny, but it's totally worth it! I also use it on my eyelashes to keep them healthy. I was blessed with long eyelashes, but they tend to get dry, so I've been using olive oil as a makeup remover instead, and just applying it on my lashes and brows when I use olive oil in my hair to restore its softness. It's great for skin too, and my eye area gets super dry from heavy eye makeup.
Here is my regimen for using olive oil in my hair:

1. Pour a small amount into a bowl
2. Warm it up for about 10 seconds
3. Use a cotton ball to dab it straight on to the scalp in sections
4. Rub the remaining amount onto your hands and smooth through hair, pay special attention to your ends!
5. Massage scalp to get the blood flowing
6. Comb, don't brush, your hair to evenly distribute the oil
7. Throw your hair up and in a shower cap

I leave mine in over night, 2 nights to 3 nights a week. You can leave it in for 30 mins and wash it out if you want.

When washing it out:

1. Soak hair thoroughly in water
2. Wash with Herbal Essence's "Drama Clean" or any cheap/regular shampoo like Fructis

3. Wash again with normal shampoo & condition as normal

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L'Occitane Dry Skin Hand Cream Review

We use and wash our hands possibly more than any other part of our bodies, causing them to be the driest too. I'm not a fan of hand creams, but I'm also not a fan of dry, cracked, painful skin. Not to mention the fact that women probably don't want dry scaly hands touching their faces at work. 

Here's my issue with them, I hate feeling and looking greasy, not being able to touch things without leaving a nasty oily finger print, or literally having butterfingers. I also don't like feeling like I have a glove of cream on my hands, even after I wash them, I like to feel naturally smooth.

 I've seen L'Occitane products at Sephora, but wasn't sure if I'd like this hand cream, because of the above. I went ahead and bought the Shea Butter hand cream for $26, the smaller size is $10, but my Sephora only had the large size. 

This hand cream is perfect for people like me, who don't like feeling greasy. It absorbs into skin quickly, so the greasy feeling you get after putting on hand cream doesn't last, and leaves your hands feeling soft. It smells like honey and shea butter which is another plus.

The only downside to this is that it's not quite a cure for dry skin, meaning that once you wash your hands, they are likely to be dry again if you don't reapply. Good news is you can always layer it on really thick before you sleep and put on cotton gloves or socks over your hands to lock in the moisture. 

Overall, I really like this hand cream, and it's perfect for people who don't like thick creams, or having greasy hands.